Fifth Generation

368. Sarah Jane Coffey was born circa 1812 in Virginia.

Sarah Jane Coffey and William W. Coffey were married on 18 February 1832 in Nelson Co., VA.1248 They1248 appeared in the census on 12 September 1860 in Nelson Co., VA.1249 They1249 appeared in the census on 1 September 1870 in Nelson Co., VA.1250 William W. Coffey, son of William Coffey and Elizabeth Giles, was born in July 1812 in Nelson Co., VA. He owned on 28 March 1864 in Nelson Co., VA.

Deed: Coffey, Fitzpatrick, Hight, Lewis, Lowe, 1864
Source: Nelson County, VA Deed Bk 16, Pg 282 and 283.
Contributor: Shirley Houk []

The deed made and entered into this 23rd day of March 1864 between Alexander Fitzpatrick commissioner appointed by the County Court of Nelson in a suit therein pending (wherein Malinda M Hight, Sarah Jane Lowe and Jesse Lewis Lowe are Plaintiffs and said Alexander Fitzpatrick, Mary W Hight, Joe Hight and William Paul Hight are defendants) and William W Coffey of the other part: Witnesseth: that in pursuance of the powers conferred on him by the said court in the said suit he doth by these presents give grant bargain and sell unto the said William W. Coffey his heirs or assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres lying and being in the county of Nelson on the north prong of Tye River adjoining the lands of said William W. Coffey and others and is the same tract as mentioned in said suit and that was purchased by the said William W. Coffey by virtue of a decree of said court in said suit for the sum of two hundred and seventy six dollars all which has been paid to said Fitzpatrick commissioner the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. In consideration whereof and by authority conferred on him by the said court the said Fitzpatrick commissioner as aforesaid doth warrant to the said William W. Coffey a special title to the said tract of land to him and his heirs forever against the claim or demand of the said Alexander Fitzpatrick, Malinda M. Hight, Jesse L. Lowe, Sarah Jane Lowe, William Paul Hight and Joel Hight or their or either of their heirs forever to have and to hold the same free from the demand or claim of any of the said parties or their heirs in witnesseth whereof I as commissioner of the court have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date first in this deed mentioned. Alex’r Fitzpatrick, Cmr (seal) At a Court held for Nelson County the 28th day of March 1864 This Deed was this day presented in said court acknowledged by Alex Fitzpatrick a party thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste S H Loving, Ck William died in Nelson Co., VA in July 1886 but his burial site is unknown to me.1247

There is a William, age 44, and Jane, age 43 in the 1850 Nelson Co. census. Some of the children's name match those of this William and Jane, but not all, and not all ages matches those of the children here.

Sarah Jane Coffey and William W. Coffey had the following children:



James H. Coffey.



Peter Jordan Coffey.



William Montebello Coffey.



Robert W. Coffey.



Marvel Maurice Coffey.



Joseph Rodney Coffey.



Elizabeth Nancy Jane Coffey.



Zachariah Coffey.



Mary S. Coffey.
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