Seventh Generation

4390. Mary Frances "Molly" Coffey was born on 6 April 1872 in Nelson Co., VA. Molly died of pelvic carcinoma and was buried at on 30 April 1949 at the age of 77 at home in Raphine, Rockbridge Co., VA and was buried at New Providence Presbyterian Cemetery in Raphine, Rockbridge Co., VA.14216,14217,14218

Mary Frances "Molly" Coffey and Henry Jackson Benson were married on 29 March 1893 in Rockbridge Co., VA.

Virginia, Rockbridge County to wit:

To any person licensed to celebrate Marriage:

You are hereby authorized to join together in the Holy State of Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your Church, or religious denomination, and the lows of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Henry J. (Jackson) Benson and Mary F. (Frances) Coffey.

Given under my hand as Deputy Clerk of the County Court of Rockbridge this 27th day of March 1893.

Signed A. F. Shields Depty Clerk.

Time of Marriage: March 29th 1893
Place of Marriage: Rockbridge Co., VA
Full Names of Parties Married, Henry Jackson Benson & Mary Frances Coffey
Color: White
Age of Husband: 23 years
Age of Wife: 20 years
Condition of Husband (widowed or single): Single
Condition of Wfe (widowed or single): Single
Place of Husband's Birth: Rockbridge Co., VA
Place of Wife's Birth: Nelson Co., VA
Place of Husband's Residence: Rockbridge Co., VA
Place of Wife's Birth: Rockbridge Co., VA
Name of Husband's Parents: Preston and Sallie Benson
Name of Wife's Parents: Alfred and Martha A. Coffey
Occupation of Husband: Farmer

Given under my hand this 27th day of March 1893
Signed A. F. Shields Deputy Clerk

Minister's Return of Marriage: I certify that on the 29th day of March 1893 at the house of the bride's father, I united in Marriage the above named and described parties, under authority of the annexed License. Signed W. M. McCluer
They appeared in the census on 14 June 1900 in Walkers Creek Dist., Rockbridge Co., VA.14219 They14219 appeared in the census on 28 April 1910 on the Pisgah Road in Rockcastle Co., KY.14220 Molly and Henry14220 appeared in the census on 2 January 1920 in Walkers Creek Dist., Rockbridge Co., VA.14221 They14221 appeared in the census on 13 May 1930 in Walkers Creek Dist., Rockbridge Co., VA.14222 Henry Jackson Benson14223, son of Preston C. Benson and Sarah Ann Lucas, was born on 1 January 1869 in Rockbridge Co., VA. Henry died on 23 April 1948 at the age of 79 in Rockcastle Co., KY and was buried at New Providence Presbyterian Cemetery in Rockbridge Co., VA.14224

Mary Frances "Molly" Coffey and Henry Jackson Benson had the following children:



Mary J. Benson was born in January 1895 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



John H. Benson was born in August 1896 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



James A. Benson was born in October 1897 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



Nellie B. Benson was born in September 1899 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



Ollie C. Benson was born about 1905 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



William J. Benson was born about 1908 in Rockcastle Co., KY.



Lizzie Benson was born about 1914 in Rockcastle Co., KY.
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