Sixth Generation

2557. Sarah B. "Sally" Coffee was born on 24 January 1863 in Rabun Co., GA. Sarah died in Greenville Co., SC on 16 March 1949 and was buried at Graceland West Cemetery & Mausoleum in Greenville,Greenville Co., SC in March 1949 .9429

Sarah B. "Sally" Coffee and James A. Canup were married on 4 May 1886 in Rabun Co., GA.9430 James A. Canup was born on 3 January 1867 in Habersham Co., GA. James died in Greenville Co., SC on 14 December 1957 and was buried at Graceland West Cemetery & Mausoleum in Greenville Co., SC in December 1957 .9431

Sarah B. "Sally" Coffee and James A. Canup had the following children:



Nancy Elizabeth Canup was born on 29 August 1887 in Habersham Co., GA. Nancy died in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC on 12 November 1984 and was buried at Graceland West Cemetery & Mausoleum in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC in November 1984 .9432



Lillie Canup was born on 17 October 1889 in Georgia. Lillie died in South Carolina on 10 August 1960 and was buried at Greenville, Greenville Co., SC in August 1960.9433
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