Tenth Generation

20246. Living was born in 1949 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.47182 She was counted in the school census of .

Living (private).

Living and Living had the following children:



Living was born in 1970 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.

A living couple was married in 1974 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.47183 He/she47183 was divorced in 1975 in Potter Co., TX.47184 Living was born circa 1948.

A living couple was married in 1982 in Potter Co., TX.47185 He/she47185 was divorced in 1998 in Potter Co., TX.47186 Living was born circa 1953.

Living and Living had the following children:



Living was born in 1985 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.47187
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