Seventh Generation

4235. Lewis Coffey was born on 2 October 1873 in Wayne Co., KY. Lewis died in Eadsville, Wayne Co., KY on 24 July 1937 by suicide by drowning and was buried at Coffey Cemetery in Eadsville, Wayne Co., KY on 28 July 1937 .13762

Lewis Coffey and Josie Ann Daffron were married. They appeared in the census on 21 April 1910 in Eadsville, Wayne Co., KY.13763 Josie Ann Daffron, daughter of William Cooper Daffron and Clarinda Belle Parmley, was born on 21 March 1881. Josie died in Kentucky on 2 September 1933 of pulmonary tuberculosis and was buried at Parmleys Grove Cemetery in Eadsville, Wayne Co., KY on 3 September 1933 .13764,13765

Lewis Coffey and Josie Ann Daffron had the following children:



Dewey Herbert Coffey.



Aron William Coffey.



Albert R. Coffey.



Zona (Mona?) C. Coffey.



Otha E. Coffey was born on 13 September 1909 in Kentucky. Otha died in New Castle, Henry Co., IN on 15 February 1959 and was buried at South Mound Cemetery in New Castle, Henry Co., IN in February 1959 .13766



Robert Clay Coffey.
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