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5810. Jesse Calton Coffey was born on 27 March 1867 in Coffey's Gap, Watauga Co., NC. Jesse died of chronic myocarditis on 24 January 1939 at the age of 71 at home in Shulls Mill, Watauga Co., NC and was buried at Boone Fork Community Cemetery in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC on 25 January 1939.18779,18780 Jesse Calton Coffey and Julia Elizabeth Hollifield were married on 7 May 1892 in Watauga Co., NC.18781 They18781 appeared in the census on 29 April 1910 in Globe Twp., Caldwell Co., NC.18782 They18782 appeared in the census on 14 January 1920 in Globe Twp., Caldwell Co., NC.18783 Julia Elizabeth Hollifield, daughter of Wiley Hollifield and Mary Ann Reid, was born on 31 March 1873 in Watauga Co., NC. Julia died of a myocardial infarction on 11 July 1957 at the age of 84 at Blowing Rock Hospital in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC and was buried at Boone Fork Community Cemetery in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC on 13 July 1957.18784,18785 Jesse Calton Coffey and Julia Elizabeth Hollifield had the following children: |