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3510. Lewis Coffey Jr. was born on 23 August 1850 in Kentucky. He lived with his parents in Wayne Co., KY on 9 July 1860. Lewis died of cholera on 25 July 1928 at the age of 77 in Beech Valley, Wayne Co., KY and was buried at Spann Hill Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY on 26 July 1928.11797,11798 Lewis Coffey Jr. and Permelia Ann Tucker were married on 7 November 1870 in Pulaski Co., KY.11799 They11799 appeared in the census on 1 June 1880 in Wayne Co., KY.11800 They11800 appeared in the census on 11 June 1900 in Mill Springs, Wayne Co., KY.11801 Lewis and Permelia11801 appeared in the census on 13 April 1910 in Wayne Co., KY.11802 Permelia Ann Tucker, daughter of William Tucker, was born on 8 March 1851 in Kentucky. Permelia died of "la grippe" on 6 November 1932, at the age of 81, in Berea, Madison Co., KY and was buried at Spann Hill Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY.11803,11804 Lewis Coffey Jr. and Permelia Ann Tucker had the following children: |