Ninth Generation

14801. Titus Coffey was born on 12 April 1913 in Adair Co., KY.40337 Titus died in Adair Co., KY on 15 October 1985 and was buried at Columbia City Cemetery in Columbia, Adair Co., KY in October 1985 .40338,40339

Titus Coffey and Lizzie Sneed were married. Lizzie Sneed, daughter of James Wiley Sneed and Murtie Bell Collins, was born on 9 July 1915 in Kentucky. Lizzie died in Kentucky on 7 December 1988 and was buried at Columbia City Cemetery in Columbia, Adair Co., KY in December 1988 .40340

Titus Coffey and Lizzie Sneed had the following children:



Kenneth Coffey.
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