Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Seventh Generation3989. Charles Edward Coffey and Sarah Jane "Jane" Ogden12939 were married on 14 February 1854 in Virginia.12940,12941 They12940,12941 appeared in the census on 10 July 1860 in Amherst Co., VA.12942 They12942 appeared in the census on 23 August 1870 in Pedlar Twp., Amherst Co., VA.12943 Charles and Jane12943 appeared in the census on 1 June 1880 in Pedlar Twp., Amherst Co., VA.12944 They12944 appeared in the census on 16 May 1900 in Pedlar Dist., Amherst Co., VA.12945 Sarah Jane "Jane" Ogden, daughter of Zachariah Ogden and Elizabeth McDaniel, was born on 22 October 1833 in Virginia. Sarah Jane died on 17 January 1904 at the age of 70 in Amherst Co., VA and was buried at Bridge Hill Cemetery in Alto [Coffeytown], Amherst Co., VA.12946,12947 Obituary Mrs. Sarah Jane Coffey of Alto, Amherst County, Va. was born October 22, 1833, and died January 18, 1904, in the seventy-first year of he age. Her parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth Ogden of previous memory. She was married to Mr. Charles E. Coffey, one of Amherst's most honored and respected citizens, the 14th of February, 1854, and was a true help-mate to him for fifty years, until death separated them. Sister Coffey was the mother of nine children, seven of whom still survive. She professed religion in youth under the ministry of Rev. Pitt Woodruff, a local preacher of the Methodist Church, and was received into Church fellowship by him. She first united with Ashbury Chapel at Oronoco and afterwards moved her membership to Macedonia Church, of which she was a worthy communicant when she was called to her Father's house on high. She was an exemplary Christian one in whom was no guile, but thoroughly conscientious and sincere in her daily walk and conversation and seemed to enjoy at all times the conscious presence of her savior. She lived a uniform Christian life and had the confidence and respect to all who knew her. Her last illness was brief. She retired on Sunday night apparently in usual heath [sic] [health] but was seized with sudden illness during the night and died the following Sunday morning. A few moments before the death angel entered her chamber, she sat in a chair and partook of some refreshments, then laid down and covered her face as she often did during her sickness, and expired. So quiet and peaceful was her departure that he attendants were not aware of it until her daughter coming into the room and uncovering her face discovered that life had ebbed away. She sank as it were into a sweet quiet slumber, but one that knows no waking. She leaves a very previous legacy to her family -- the influence of a well spent life. May they follow her as she followed Christ and live in the hope of meeting again. Her funeral services were conduced by the writer in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends. S. H. Drewry Charles Edward Coffey and Sarah Jane "Jane" Ogden had the following children: