Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Seventh Generation5922. John Wesley "Happy John" Coffey and Ella Adelaide Henderson were married on 9 February 1901 in Watauga Co., NC.19399 They19399 appeared in the census on 11 May 1910 in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC.19400 They19400 appeared in the census on 12 January 1920 in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC.19401 Happy John and Ella19401 appeared in the census on 2 April 1930 in Watauga Co., NC.19402 They19402 appeared in the census on 25 April 1940 in Watauga Twp., Watauga Co., NC.19403 According to an article in The Blowing Rocket of May, 2006 by Thelma Ann Coffey Catterton, a granddaughter of Ella. Ella Adelaide Henderson had a brother named Henry Henderson. Henry had a son named Sherman who had given some jewelry to a girl. They subsequently broke up and Sherman wanted his gifts returned. William Henderson and Mary Etta Coffey Gragg had a son named John Albert Gragg. John was a large fellow and had advised the girl to keep the jewelry. That caused a fight between Sherman and John, with John getting the better of the contest when he had Sherman down and was choking him to death. It was then that Sherman drew a knife from his pocket and cut John on the leg. According to the article, the knife would likely cut a major artery because John bled to death on the spot. The incident was called self-defense and Sherman went free. Another brother to Ella was John Henderson who was married. The wife was of the Democratic persuasion while the Coffey and Henderson families were Republicans. The story goes that John refused to vote Democratic so his wife and her brother shot and killed him. The wife remarried and neither she nor her brother were ever convicted. John Wesley "Happy John" Coffey and Ella Adelaide Henderson had the following children: