Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Sixth Generation708. Estate of LENTITIA & MARY CATHERINE REGAN, Minors. Will of Salathiel Coffey, found in Book L, page 19, Probate Minutes, Collin Co., TX IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN: I, S. Coffey, a citizen of Collin County, Texas being of sound and disposing mind, but fully aware of the uncertainty of human life do make, publish and declare this as my last will and testament hereby revoking any and all wills by me at any heretofore made. FIRST: It is my wish that my body be buried in a decent Christian manner suitable to fit my station in life. SECOND: I direct that all my just debts be paid as soon as practicable after my death by my executors hereinafter named and in this connection it ... my will that my said executors shall purchase and place at, or upon my grave a suitable monument or tombstone. THIRD: The property of which I am seized and possessed is community property between me and my beloved wife, Mary Ann Coffey, and I own one half of the same as both my said wife and myself have children by former marriages, each of us have this day made and executed wills bequeathing our property to our respective children. I therefore will devise and bequeath all my property of which I may die seized and possessed to the following persons who are my children and grandchildren and in the following proportions to-wit: One tenth to W.S. Coffey; One tenth to Mrs. Harriet Whisenant, wife of R. B. Whisenant; One tenth to Taylor Coffey; One tenth to Mrs. Nancy Jane Leggett, wife of Joseph Leggett; One tenth to Sterling Coffey; One tenth to Margaret Kirby, wife of John Kirby; One tenth to Josie Kirby, wife of George Kirby, all of whom reside in Collin County, Texas; and One tenth to W. M. Coffey who now lives in Indian Territory; one twentieth to Lettie Rexrode, wife of David Rexrode, and One Twentieth to Mary Catherine Thomas, these last two named are my grandchildren, their mother and my daughter, Lettie Regan being long since deceased. All of the above named Legatees except Sterling Coffey, Martha Kirby, and Josie Kirby are children by my first wife, Nancy Coffey, and who died in the state of Kentucky in 1852 and the three first above named are my children by my present wife, Mrs. Mary Ann Coffey. It is my will that all of my property of every character and description and wheresoever situated and whether real personal mixed money notes accounts or chooses in action shall descend and vest in the above named persons in the proportions as hereinabove stated and in case any of the said legatees shall die before I do, then it is my wish that the child or children of such legate or legatees so dying if any and if no child or children then the legal heirs of such legatee or legatees devisee or devisee shall receive the proportion of my estate herein bequeathed to such devisee or devisee so dying as aforesaid. FOURTH: I nominate, constitute and appoint John M. McKinney and W. F. Wolford as executors of this my last will and testament and direct that no bond or security be required of them discharging the trusts herein imposed upon them and the action be had in the Probate Court in reference to my estate except to probate this will and return an inventory of my estate, and if only one of said above named executors shall qualify, then he shall have the same powers rights and privileges and shall act under the same limitations and instructions as if both had qualified. FIFTH: All interlineations and erasures in the above WILL were made prior to the signing of the same. SIXTH: In testimony whereof, I, the said S. Coffey, have hereto set my had this 15th day of March, 1889, in the presence of H.A. Finch and W.H. Garrett, who have hereto signed their names as witnesses at my request in my presence and in the presence of each other, both of said witnesses being over the age of fourteen years. S. Coffey Attest as witnesses: A History of Collin County, Texas "Salathial Coffey, the fifth child of Eli and Mary Coffey, was born in Kentucky on April 20, 1812. He was married twice. Children by his first wife, Nancy Dunbar Coffey, were: William Stanley, Z. T., Mint W., Mrs. Joe Liggett, and Mrs. Alonzo Richards. His second wife, Mrs. Mary A. Ballew, had six children by a previous marriage to Houston Ballew. There were: Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. John Whisenant, Mrs. G. W. Bigler, J. W. Ballew, and two children who died young. Salathiel and his second wife, Mary A., and their children came to Texas in 1855 from Russell County, Kentucky, and in 1857 settled near Allen. The trip to Texas, which required six weeks, was made in one ox-team wagon, three horse-drawn wagons, and one buggy. "Salathial and Mary A. Coffey were the parents of three children, Sterling P., Mrs. John C. Kerby, and Mrs. George Kerby. Will A. Kerby, who was sheriff of Collin County from 1924 to 1928, was a son of Mrs. John C. Kerby. In addition to their own children, Salathial Coffey and his wife reared several orphans and materially assisted W. F. Wolford, a son and his sister. Wolford later practiced medicine in Allen for many years. "Salathial Coffey served as county commissioner of Collin County from 1862 to 1864. He died in 1892 and his wife died on December 15, 1900." --- Collin County, Texas History Salathiel Coffey was born in Russell county, Kentucky, April 20, 1812. His father, Eli, was born in North Carolina, May 8, 1775, moved to Kentucky when a young man and there died July 18, 1833. He was a boot and shoe maker by trade and spent most of his early life in the shoe shop, but after going to Kentucky turned his attention to farming and distilling. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary Coffey. She was born in North Carolina, September 7, 1782, and died in Kentucky about 1873. She born him twelve children, the fifth of whom, Salathiel, was reared in Kentucky on the home farm and in his father's distillery. In 1855 Salathiel came to Texas and in 1857 settled on the farm where he now resides. He is an extensive farmer and a large land-owner; although he came to Texas poor and has dug what he has out of the ground. August 20, 1835, he married Miss Nancy Danbar [sic] of Kentucky. She bore him nine children - Willis S., Jesse P., Lettie, Mary A., William S., Harriet, Milton, Zachariah T. and Nancy J. Mrs. Coffey died November 14, 1853, and May 10, 1854 Mr. Coffey married Mrs. Mary A. (Ballew) McFarlan [sic] of Kentucky. To this union have been born three children - Margaret E., Josie C., and Sterling P. The family are members of the Baptist church. ----- TENTH ANNUAL COFFEY FAMILY REUNION HELD IN M’KINNEY JULY 25
"An enjoyable reuniting of the many branches of the long established Coffey family of Collin County was held at Finch Park Sunday when more than 150 members with several friends, gathered for the tenth annual reunion. "Descendants of Salathial Coffey and wife, who founded this brand of the Coffey family in this county, more than eighty-two years ago, were present from Texas and Oklahoma for the occasion. "At noon, a bounteous table luncheon, consisting of quantities of excellent food was spread under the beautiful pecan trees of Finch Park and all those who could be present gathered once more to break bread together. "Members of the family ranging from S. P. Coffey of McKinney, son of Salathial Coffey, down to little four-months old Robert Frank Barry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barry and great-great-grandson of Salathial Coffey were present. "Following the luncheon those present arranged themselves in a family semi-circle for a short, informal yet interesting program presided over by Homer L. Coffey of McKinney, Chairman of the Reunion group this year. "Miss Leona Richards of Allen, Secretary, read the minutes. "Short talks were made by many of those present and officers for next year elected. Earl Walker, young McKinney business man, was elected General Chairman and M. P. Coffey of Ardmore, Okla., Out-of-Town Chairman for members residing outside McKinney and Collin County. Mrs. Frank Orr was elected Secretary for next year. "An Executive Committee composed of F. S. (Tine) Kerby of Farmersville and Mrs. J. Woot Mallow of McKinney was elected and a Program Committee of Miss Hallie Coffey, Mrs. Walker Holland, and Mrs. Earl Walker all of McKinney elected to arrange the program for next year’s meeting. "Gabe Kerby of McKinney dismissed the group with prayer. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. A. H. Snider. "The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mrs. Nancy Jane Liggett of Vashti, one of the two surviving children of Salathial Coffey, who was unable to attend because of illness. "The gathering was one of the most enjoyable family reunions ever held in this county and because of the widespread careers of the various members of the family, it was most enjoyable from a social standpoint, for many of the members had not been able to greet each other since the 1936 gathering or longer. *** Coffey Family Reunion Notes. Among the names associated with the descendants of Salathial Coffey is that of Dungan, which has long been a respected family group of McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dungan, who reside on Route 3, McKinney, in the New Hope community are the parents of several fine sons, who have earned themselves excellent reputations and are well established young men. Mrs. Dungan was a daughter of Taylor Coffey, a son of Salathial Coffey. There are five sons and one daughter including: E. H. Dungan of McKinney, connected with the Leonard’s Department Store: A. L. Dungan, who is associated with the J. P. Dowell big hardware establishment, where he has been for twelve years: Willie T. Dungan, Allis-Chalmers Farm machinery representative for the McKinney District: Clarence Dungan of the Ne Hope community; Mrs. Mary Ruth Atterbury, wife of Prof. J. W. Atterbury of McKinney, and Joe at home. Most of the W. A. Dungan family were present for the reunion. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Salathial "Sail" Coffey and Nancy Dunbar were married on 20 August 1835 in Russell Co., KY.3010,3011 They3010,3011 appeared in the census on 4 August 1850 in Russell Co., KY.3012 Nancy Dunbar was born in 1809 in Kentucky. Nancy died in Kentucky on 14 November 1853 and was buried at Kentucky in November 1853 in an unknown place. Salathial "Sail" Coffey and Nancy Dunbar had the following children:
Salathial "Sail" Coffey and Mary Ann McFarland3014 were married on 10 May 1854 in Russell Co., KY.3015,3016 They3015,3016 appeared in the census on 25 June 1860 in Collin Co., TX.3017 They3017 appeared in the census on 3 October 1870 in Collin Co., TX.3018 Sail and Mary3018 appeared in the census on 16 June 1880 in Collin Co., TX.3019 The Sales Coffey family held a reunion on 12 September 1928 at Finch Park in McKinney, Collin Co., TX. Mary Ann McFarland559 was born on 11 June 1822 in Kentucky. She lived with her daughter, Sarah Whorton in Collin Co., TX on 18 June 1900. Mary died on 15 December 1900 at the age of 78 in Collin Co., TX and was buried at Fitzhugh Cemetery in Forest Grove, Collin Co., TX.3020 Mrs. Ballew had the following children born to the union between her and Mr. Ballew: Sidney, born Apr. 10, 1839, died Jul 24, 1865 At the time of the 1880 census, the child Octavia had married Mr. Nash Bigley, and was residing next door to her mother and step-father. The Jane McFarland who had been living with the Coffey family in previous census years, was in the Bigley household in 1880. The following from A History of Collin County, Texas, J. Lee Stambaugh and Lillian J. Stambaugh, 1958, p154: Mary A. Ballew, second wife of Salathial Coffey, had six children by a previous marriage to Houston Ballew. These were: Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. John Whisenant, Mrs. G.W. Bigler, J.W. Ballew and two children who died young. Salathiel Coffey and Mary Ann Ballew Coffey came to Texas in 1855 from Russell County, Kentucky. The trip was made to Texas...6 weeks...one ox-team wagon, 3 horse drawn wagons and one buggy. Coffey died in 1892 and Mary A.B. Coffey died December 15, 1900. Salathial "Sail" Coffey and Mary Ann McFarland had the following children: