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14385. Ruth Eileen Coffee was born on 17 November 1891 in Throckmorton, Throckmorton Co., TX. Ruth died on 30 March 1987 at the age of 95 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX and was buried at Llano Cemetery in Amarillo, Randall Co., TX.39539,39540 . Ruth Eileen Coffee and Edgar Coble were married on 7 April 1915 in Throckmorton, Throckmorton Co., TX. They appeared in the census on 12 January 1920 in Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., TX.39541 They39541 appeared in the census on 7 April 1930 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.39542 Ruth and Edgar39542 appeared in the census on 8 April 1940 in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX.39543 Edgar Coble, son of Cornelius Pacely Coble and Mary Bullard, was born on 10 August 1886 in Wichita Co., TX. Edgar died at Saint Anthony's Hospital in Amarillo, Potter Co., TX on 21 August 1954 of a coronary thrombosis and was buried at Llano Cemetery in Amarillo, Randall Co., TX on 23 August 1954 .39544,39545 Ruth Eileen Coffee and Edgar Coble had the following children: |