Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Seventh Generation2614. Obituary for Mansel Coffee Mr. Mansel Coffee, the subject of this sketch, departed this life at his home in Throckmorton County, Texas, at 5 o'clock P. M., June 5th, 1891, after one week of intense suffering. On Saturday Morning May 30th while driving a cow, his horse became unmanagable [sic], and dashed with great force against a wire fence, throwing Mr. Coffee violently to the ground, the back part of his head striking the ground, from the effects of which he died on the following Saturday as above stated. He never recovered consciousness after the fearful fall, and all that skilled physicians and kind friends could be could not avail. Mr. Coffee was born in Jackson County, Alabama, September 12th, 1839, and removed with his father to Titus County, Texas in 1842, from thence to Colorado Co., Texas where he lived several years, during which time his father served as sheriff of Colorado county, Texas, for a number of years. With his father he then moved to Lavaca County Texas where, on the 4th day of June 1861, he was married to Georgia F. Reynolds, daughter of Hon. B. F. Reynolds, who, at one time, was state Senator in the state of Mississippi. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate army and served until the close of the war being severely wounded in the battle at Saline Ark. At the close of the war he returned home and during that year - 1865 - his father died. Mr. Mansel Coffee, being the eldest child the cares of his father's family fell upon him. He remained in Lavaca County a number of years during which time he served as Tax assesor [sic] of the county. In 1882 he removed to this, Throckmorton county, and in 1888 was elected Tax Assessor of this county, which office he held for two years, when he returned to his farm. He is the third brother of his family whose death was caused by the falling of a horse. [The following sentence has been over struck by someone unknown: His family is intimately connected with the history of this country as far back as Gen'l Coffee who, was second in command at the Battle of New Orleans in 1816.] He was a strict and consistent member of the Baptist church, and one of the deacons of his church. He was a member of Fort Griffin Lodge No 489 A. F. & A. M. He was ever faithful in the discharge of a duty or trust, upright and conscientious in all his dealings, temperate in all his habits and his hand never refused the call of charity. He was a devoted husband, and indulgent and affectionate father, a loyal citizen and faithful friend. He lives surviving him his wife and seven children - six boys and one girl - and a host of warm personal friends, and to those who mourn him we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their great berevement [sic]. In the meredian [sic] of life, surrounded by all that was near and dear to him, he has been called away from the cares and concerns of this world to that home beyond, where the trials, conflicts and sorrows of this life are o'er and, we "doubt not, that in the glorious resurrection morn his body will rise and become as incorruptible as his soul," [A note at the bottom of the transcription indicates that this is "(a copy from Throckmorton County, Texas paper)"] Georgia was appointed Administratrix of his estate. The estate consisted of cattle and horses and a small ranch. All was sold over a period of nine years and Georgia moved to Miami, TX where her six sons had settled. Mansel Matthews Coffee and Georgiana Frances Reynolds were married on 4 June 1861 at her home in Lavaca Co., TX.9546,9547 They9546,9547 appeared in the census on 16 June 1880 in Lavaca Co., TX.9548 Mansel Matthews Coffee and Georgiana Frances Reynolds had the following children: